SPEAKER SERIES Slavery Where I Grew: An Exploration of Place and Past in Montgomery County

Kensington Town Hall 3710 Mitchell St., Kensington, MD, United States

Speaker: Local author and historian Robert Engelman Come join us for an evening with local historian and author Robert Engelman. Mr. Engelman will share what he learned from an extensive project researching the history of enslavement in the area. His work is an eye-opening account exploring the history of the property and the people enslaved […]

SPEAKER SERIES: A History of School Segregation in Montgomery County and its Rosenwald Schools

Leonard D. Jackson Community Center 4111 Plyers Mill Rd, Kensington, MD, United States

With a Special Presentation about the KenGar School Building At the Leonard D. Jackson Community Center 4111 Plyers Mill Rd in KenGar Ralph Buglass, local historian with Montgomery History, will share the history of school segregation in Montgomery County. The county did not provide public education to African American children until a decade after it […]

KHS Monthly Board Meeting

The KHS board members and committee members meet monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives.  These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.  Meetings are located in the lower level of the Town Hall (Armory) building (conference room 1).

Pumpkin Rock N’ Roll

Warner Circle Park 10231 Carroll Pl., Kensington, MD, United States

SPEAKER SERIES An American Privateer’s War on Britain’s African Slave Trade

Kensington Town Hall 3710 Mitchell St., Kensington, MD, United States

Christian McBurney will be speaking on his new book, Dark Voyage:  An American Privateer’s War on Britain’s African Slave Trade (Westholme, 2022).  The book tells the fascinating story of an American privateer during the American Revolutionary War that sails to the coast of Africa and attacks a British slave trading post and British slave ships.  […]

KHS Monthly Board Meeting

The KHS board members and committee members meet monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives.  These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.  Meetings are located in the lower level of the Town Hall (Armory) building (conference room 1).

KHS Monthly Board Meeting

The KHS board members and committee members meet monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives.  These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.  Meetings are located in the Map Room of the Town Hall (Armory) building.

KHS Monthly Board Meeting

The KHS board members and committee members meet monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives.  These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.  Meetings are located in the Map Room of the Town Hall (Armory) building.

Speaker Series: Preserving Your Family Papers

Kensington Town Hall 3710 Mitchell St., Kensington, MD, United States

Preserving Your Family Papers with Montgomery History's Sarah Hedlund: In-person or virtual: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84775977404?pwd=RW1MSzl6M1BpbGxrc1ZzMDgraTQvUT09  

KHS Monthly Board Meeting

The KHS board members and committee members meet monthly to discuss ongoing initiatives.  These meetings are open to the public and participation is encouraged.  Meetings are located in the lower level of the Town Hall (Armory) building (conference room 1).