Contact Us
P.O. Box 453, Kensington, MD 20895
To request archival information, send an email to archives@tok.md.gov.
Office Hours
Visit the Archives by appointment.
KHS is an all-volunteer, nonprofit Society with a mission to safeguard and promote the cultural and architectural heritage of the Town of Kensington. The Society welcomes all to attend its meetings, join, and volunteer for any of its many committees, social and educational events, summer concerts, and projects.
KHS is pre-approved for Student Service Learning (SSL) credits by Montgomery County Public Schools.
The Society is looking for folks interested in getting involved in one or more of its Committees! Committee involvement is a great way to get to know your neighbors and have an impact in your community. It is easy to join and you need only agree to take on as much (or little) as you like. Volunteer committee opportunities include:
Archives/Local History. Oversees the Society’s historical reference collection, including continuing acquisition, organization, maintenance, and servicing of the collection. KHS responds to questions about the collection and makes the collection available to interested individuals, as deemed appropriate. (We are looking for someone with technology skills who can help organize and electronically catalogue the holdings.)
Oral Histories: conduct and transcribe interviews.
Photograph Collection: collect, identify, and digitize photographs
Education: develop educational displays; seek opportunities to showcase at local schools and community events; arrange for and publicize these events.
Calendar: develop and plan theme for each calendar; create layout and research relevant background information; print; distribute and work with Town businesses to sell copies.
Concert Series: schedule performers; arrange for publicity and outreach; facilitate concerts.
Fundraising: seek and administer grant and donation opportunities: consider other fundraising avenues.
Membership: encourage recruitment and retention efforts; welcome new members; ensure that Society information is included in new resident packets (delivered by the Town); maintain membership records.
Preservation: monitor and report back to the Executive Committee and membership on activities that preserve the historical and cultural values in Kensington and the surrounding area.
Social Events: plan and organize the annual holiday and garden parties and other planned social events.